Metaphors, Culture and Symbols Blog

Racism skin color

Racism 101 and Metaphors

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Fist bump as an example of an Americanism in daily life

America 101 and Culture

Learning about “Americanisms” was part of my journey to gaining cultural competency in the US. So exactly what are Americanisms? defines them broadly as a custom, trait, belief, word, phrase, or other language...

Baseball Park

Baseball 101 and Metaphors

First Pitch, Seventh Inning Stretch, Hit the Ball out of the Park, Pinch Hitter, Touch Base, Ballpark Estimate Over the years, it has become apparent to me that Baseball holds a unique place in...

World map representing American culture as a melting pot

Culture Metaphors Symbols

My cultural awareness journey started after I immigrated to America here a few decades back. After a first month of awe and wonder, culture shock set in. I felt isolated in a country where...

college students

American Higher Education

The recent scandal in America around celebrity parents bribing coaches and exam officials to ensure that their kids get a seat in prestigious schools reminded me how different college is here in America and...

Snow covered forest

Metaphors Related to Seasons

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